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The Epi 32U4 is a miniature board compatible with Arduino

Jun 6, 2023 — by Giorgio Mendoza 1,606 views

Crowdsupply launched last month a tiny embedded board powered by an ATmega32 microcontroller. This open-source device features an USB Type-C port and it provides up to 23x IOs with support for serial protocols as I2C, SPI, etc.

The product page indicates that the Epi 32U4 features the same microcontroller as the Arduino Leonardo, in this case the ATmega32u4 MCU with the following features:


  • ATmega32u48-bit AVR RISC-based MCU (up to 16MHz); 32KB Flash, 2.5KB SRAM, 1KB EEPROM

Comparison table
(click image to enlarge)

The table above compares the Epi 32U4 with other embedded boards available in the market. Some of the differences are that this board offers a few more pins compared to rest (except Elite-C V4) and also appears to include various protective features.

Epi 32U4 pinout
(click image to enlarge)

The device provides access to up to 23x digital pins, 12x analog pins, 7x PWM, 1x UART, 1x I2C, 1x SPI, 1x 5V pin and 4x GND pins. 

Epi 32U4 front and back
(click images to enlarge)

There is a GitHub repository available which contains hardware files as of now, but it might include additional information in the future. The GitHub repo also mentions there is “No integrated voltage converter, only runs at 4.5-5.5V (down to 2.7 if you make it with an 8mhz crystal, or use the internal oscillator).”

Specifications listed for the Epi 32U4 include: 

  • I/O Interfaces:
    • 23x IOs
    • 1x LED
  • USB:
    • 1x USB Type-C port
  • Protection:
    • 500-mA polyfuse
    • ESD and surge protection on USB data lines and power input
    • Ferrite bead for power filtration
    • Low-pass filter for analog voltage reference
  • Other Features:
    • 16-MHz crystal
  • Mechanical:
    • Castellated pins at 1.27mm spacing
    • 22.75 x 12.75mm

 Further information

Both Epi 32U4 variants cost $25.00 (shipping is not included) and it includes pin headers and socket headers. See the product page for more information.

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